The Republic of Texas Becoming Independent Again

Remember the Alamo | Commodity

The Republic of Texas

Sam Houston. Courtesy: National Archives

In autumn 1835, simmering political tensions in Texas came to a boil. A series of bloody skirmishes over a brusque span of months would decide the region's future. Past the post-obit May, Texans would defeat the Mexican army and declare their territory an independent nation. And by 1845, Texans and the U.S. would agree to make Texas the 28th state in the wedlock.

An Anglo Part of Mexico
In the 14 years since Mexico had won independence from Kingdom of spain, Anglo-American immigration to the Mexican land of Texas had skyrocketed. The new settlers brought with them the experience of life under a democratic constitution -- and dreams of the money to exist made using slave labor on Texas farmlands. Tejanos, Castilian-speaking Texans who had lived in the area for generations, were rapidly outnumbered, but they more often than not welcomed the newcomers and supported the region's economic development. Similar the settlers, Tejanos such as José Antonio Navarro resented the Mexican government's imposition of taxes and the express amount of cocky-rule possible under the increasingly centralized Mexican organisation. When the national military hero-turned-politician Antonio López de Santa Anna grabbed the Mexican presidency in 1834 and ripped up the constitution, the stage was gear up for rebellion.

The Moment of Independence
Texans had been belongings political meetings for years, to express their grievances confronting the Mexican regime. But a convention at the town of Washington on the Brazos River in early 1836 would make history. At that meeting, Texans declared their independence from Mexico. Merely four days after, on March half-dozen, a bloody Mexican attack on the Alamo in San Antonio would get out few survivors. Texan losses at the Alamo would solidify Texan resolve confronting Mexico and provide a rallying cry in the fight for independence.

Republic on the American Plan
When the Washington convention opened, lawyer George C. Childress had called for independence. Childress, a Tennessee native and blood brother-in-law of James K. Polk, the Speaker of the U.Due south. House of Representatives and future president, was assigned to head a resolution-drafting committee. He produced a annunciation of independence similar to the famous American document. His fellow delegates unanimously approved Childress'due south declaration, and the Republic of Texas was born. Representatives including Navarro and his uncle, Francisco Ruiz, stayed on to draft a constitution for the new nation, merely worked in haste, knowing the Mexican regular army was close by.

Checks and Balances
The new Texas authorities was partially modeled on the American system. Government was split into a legislative co-operative, a judiciary co-operative and an executive branch, overseen past presidents with three-year terms. The legislature had two deliberating bodies: a House of Representatives and a Senate. The constitution allowed slavery, but banned the foreign slave merchandise; American settlers could only bring or purchase slaves from the Usa. The constitution also included a bill of rights. When news of the Alamo tragedy reached the convention, the delegates hurriedly ratified their constitution and elected an interim government. New Bailiwick of jersey native David Thousand. Burnet became president and the bilingual diplomat Lorenzo de Zavala, who had been born in United mexican states'south Yúcatan region, was vice president.

Defending the New Nation
Sam Houston -- a former Us congressman and Tennessee governor-- led a minor simply growing Texan revolutionary army, and by early 1836 Texans were forced to cull sides. The independence move chosen to military service every able-bodied man betwixt the ages of 17 and 50. In render, each person received a pregnant grant of land. Anyone who left Texas or refused to serve, and anyone who sided with Mexico, gave up their right to country or citizenship in the republic.

Victory  and True Independence
The Texas Revolution ended quickly -- in victory. By April 21, 1836, Houston's army defeated the Mexicans and captured Santa Anna at San Jacinto. On May 14, the Mexican leader signed the Treaty of Velasco and withdrew his troops due south of the Rio Grande. Past October, Sam Houston had been elected president and the new nation had convened its first legislative congress -- flying the commonwealth'due south offset official flag of azure blue with a primal golden star (the familiar cherry-red, white, and bluish Alone Star Flag wouldn't come along until 1839).

The 28th U.S. State
Though its sovereignty was recognized by other nations, the Democracy of Texas was brusk-lived. Many Texans had always wanted to bring together the Us, and the U.South. government had been attempting to purchase Texas from United mexican states on and off since 1826. On Dec 29, 1845, Texas statehood became official. Texas was admitted as a slave state, and became the largest state in America, in total area. It would hold that distinction until Alaska joined the union over a century after.


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