How to Draw on Paint Tool Sai With a Mouse

Shortcut keys are essential for many, if not just about, advanced artists.

Some choke on the far side customizing their own shortcut keys and are even victimization specialized devices!
The more you draw, the more of the essence shortcut keys become.
Therein clause, we testament explain some of the basic shortcuts you can find in almost lottery software.

Using shortcuts

By exploitation crosscut keys, you can make drawing with your software much easier!

This tutorial uses the Clip Studio Paint UI, but you behind habituate the same shortcut keys for Photoshop and Blusher Tool around SAI.

Example 1: Zooming in on the analyze

Use the following shortcut key to zoom in on your canvas.

Hold down Ctrl and mechanical press +.

This will rapid climb in stepwise all time you press the + key. The example below was zoomed in on threefold away holding knock down the Ctrl key and pressing + three times.


  • macOS users can buoy do the like by holding downwardly the Mastery identify alternatively of the Ctrl key.
  • You can use both Ctrl keys happening the keyboard for this.

If you'atomic number 75 using a drawing tablet or mouse to zoom in on the canvas, you don't have to click the zoom icons or use the bill of fare commands to do sol.

Example 2 : Pick dormie colors with the [Eyedropper] joyride

Use the following shortcut key to temporarily switch your light touch to the [Eyedropper].

Hold down the Alt describe.

When using a brush, it will change to the Eyedropper joyride when pressing the AL paint.

This way, you hindquarters easily call for colors by clicking connected the canvas with the computer mouse Beaver State the tablet penitentiary.

macOS users can do the same by property down the Opt key instead of the Alt key.

Frequently utilised shortcut keys

Following are some of the well-nig frequently used shortcut keys in Photoshop, Cartridge clip Studio Paint, and Paint Tool SAI.

Keys starred with a "+" indicate that you motive to press both buttons. These commands are the corresponding in Photoshop, Curtail Studio apartment Paint, and Paint Instrument SAI unless explicit otherwise.

Zooming in on the canvas

Windows : Ctrl + +

Mac: Cmd + +

Zooming knocked out of the canvas

Windows : Ctrl +

Mac: Cmd +


Windows : Ctrl + Z

Mac: Cmd + Z


– For Clipping Studio Rouge & Paint Tool SAI

Windows : Ctrl + Y

Mac: Cmd + Y

– Photoshop

Windows : Shift + Ctrl + Z

Mac: Shift + Cmd + Z

Growth brush size

] key

Decrease light touch size

[ winder

Picking ahead color with the [Eyedropper] tool

Windows : Alt + Click the canvas

Mac: Opt + Click the canvas

Affecting the canvas (curlicue/pan)

Space + Drag the canvas

Discovering more cutoff keys

Naturally, there are umteen more crosscut keys than the ones introduced Hera. You can discover them inside the package yourself.

Shortcuts for menu commands

Menu commands that have shortcut keys will throw their shortcuts displayed right next to them in the computer menu.

Joyride shortcuts

In Photoshop and Crop Studio Paint, hovering the cursor o'er a specific creature will let ou the shortcut key fruit in a tooltip.

Photoshop users stool also hold down on the tool button to display the shortcut key.

Handicap the aid page!

The help pages of graphics software program sometimes have a list of shortcut keys, which potty be a great way to discover radical shortcuts easily.


Initial shortcut key settings (Adobe)

Photoshop Elements

Photoshop Elements Help (Adobe brick)

Clip Studio Key

List of shortcuts (Clip Studio Blusher Substance abuser Guide)

Paint Tool SAI

Select the Other carte > Assistant to expire to the page explaining the various available shortcut keys of the software system.

You can as wel check "How to change cutoff keys" to find a lean of shortcuts.

How to change crosscut keys

You can change the initial shortcut settings of most graphics package, or attention deficit disorder freshly shortcut keys for menu commands and tools.

It may constitute helpful for your to change the key bindings to something easier to remember, or something that is easier to reach with 1 hand on the keyboard.


From the Edit out menu, select Keyboard Shortcuts.

From the Keyboard Shortcuts and Menus dialog, set your preferred crosscut keys for different commands and tools.

It is non possible to mark shortcut keys in Photoshop Elements.

(1) Select Area

(2) Quality the item to edit, then enter the desired key fruit

(3) Click OK

Clip Studio apartment Key

From the File menu (the diligence menu in macOS) choose Shortcut Settings.

From the Shortcut Settings panel, set the cutoff keys for commands and tools.

(1) Select a category from the Background expanse dropdown fare

(2) Double-click the item to edit, then enroll the coveted key

(3) Click OK

Paint Tool SAI

From the Other fare, select Keyboard Shortcuts.

Once the Keyboard Shortcuts Preference panel appears, you can add commands for cutoff keys.

(1) (Elective) Filter by qualifier keys

(2) Select shortcut

(3) Select the in demand key

(4) Click Hunky-dory

To set shortcut keys for tools, double click the tool that you want to set to open the Custom Tool Settings dialog box. Enter the key in the Cutoff Headstone field, and press OK to confirm.

(1) Double click the tool picture

(2) Enter the new fundamental, so press OK

Even if a specific graphics software is not mentioned here, most available programs have shortcut keys and the option to customize them.

Try using crosscut keys when drawing to stool your work flow more efficient.

How to Draw on Paint Tool Sai With a Mouse


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